Sherburne WMA

For bird watchers, a variety of wading birds and shorebirds can be found at this popular area.


The Sherburne Wildlife Management Area (South Farm) is arguable the best birding near Iberville Parish, in terms of variety of birdlife. The 44,000 acre tract is situated between the Atchafalaya River and the East Protection Guide Levee. Because this area is managed by the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries and a valid hunting, fishing, or Wild LA stamp is required to enter.  Be prepared to walk as there is no car access at all under normal circumstances; off road vehicles are allowed on some trails.  You can find several ponds or impoundments throughout the area and an observation deck in the center of the property. Open dusk to dawn. Bathrooms are located .5 mile from the parking lot. 

Birds You Might See

Egrets, Osprey, Roseate Spoonbill, White-eyed Vireo, Kentucky Warbler, Hooded Warbler, Mississippi Kite, Yellow-breasted Chat, Wood Stork, Bald Eagle, Cedar Waxwing, Pileated Woodpecker.

How To Get There

Exit the Ramah-Maringouin exit from I-10 and go north on Hwy 3000. Turn left on the frontage road and then right on Taylor road to go through the tiny village of Ramah. Cross over the bayou bridge and you’ll come to a T at the levee road. The “No Trespassing” sign here is a bit daunting — basically it’s indicating that the levee itself is off limits. Turn right on the gravel levee road and travel north for about 1.5 miles. You’ll see a small sign on the left hand side that says “South Farm”. Turn left here and go up and over the levee to the parking area. There is a self-clearing permit station here. Fill out one card for each person (one person in the party should put a card in the car as well).

  • Walk/Trail
  • Sitting Area
  • Deck

Thursday: 12:00 am – 11:59 pm

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